Saturday, December 3, 2011

Different Types of Fibers

A fiber is pretty much the building block of any fabric. fabric is made of yarns that are woven or knitted together, the yarn is created by fibers being twisted together. Sometimes fibers are found in things such as tennis balls and hot air balloons. the fuzz of a tennis ball is made up of; wool, nylon, and polyester. you will also find nylon in hot air baloons and sails on a boat.

There are two types of fibers: natural and synthetic. Natural fibers start as a plant growing in the ground or as animal protein. Cotton, wool, linen, and silk are the most used natural fibers. Synthetic fibers are manufactured from chemical compounds. Nylon, polyester, and acrylic are the most common.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you actually described the fibers as opposed to just making a list.
